Wednesday, November 26, 2008

An email I just wrote

The most important argument I forgot to make about yoga nidra I was talking about.

The brain does connect everything, but it is very good at tricking itself, many people with ptsd have disassociated, or forced themselves to forget, their experiences that have hurt them. The body does not lie or forget.

Going directly into the body for sensation and memory (the seven energy centers of the body have their own 'brains' or intelligence particular to the nature of the energy that they are) has been proven to solve more than just psychotherapy or drugs, which just mask the problem.

Any time there is 'dis-ease' that does not mean it is an unsolvable condition to feel helpless about. All it is is an imbalance and balance can be attained from within. Medicine usually dulls the senses and hides the problem.

It's like when I was a substitute teacher, there were always kids who would cause trouble. The way they are handled resemble our Western medicine mindset. They are suppressed and are still unhappy and frustrated, continue to get nothing from school. Then we wonder why our schools are the WORST of any industrialized nation. Troublemakers, or dis-ease, represent an imbalance within a larger system, they aren't to be singled out or handled as an individual problem, they are to teach us the nature of our larger situation. A lot of times with kids for example, the reason they don't behave in school is not their fault, it is an expression of pain or lack of something that they are not receiving, usually love.

So anyway, using medicine to dull the body is the same as suppressing is still damaging to the overall ecosystem. But going in and asking the body how it needs to be balanced or what memory it is dealing with that has physical consequences allows the owner of the body to understand their condition more fully and be a more happy and adjusted individual.

Adhd is actually a great teacher to those who have it, and also our society. People who have it usually have great intelligence and psychic abilities that are misunderstood and mishandled in our society in the way it currently is. The unpleasant aspects of it can be balanced within through meditation and other techniques. The powers from it are usually dulled with medication.

You are a powerful being, own up to your light! It will serve you. It will serve you less the more you smother it.

1 comment:

Derrick Gwinner said...

I've been giving some thought to adhd lately too. I've been thinking that it's a sort of waking trance brought about through overstimulation of the senses and mind in conjunction with understimulation of the heart. This is probably a misdiagnosis because it is based on observing my own situation and responses--dropping out of and into contemporary culture, and getting into and out of a serious cardiovascular workout habit, over these past couple of months--and scientific method strongly discourages self-study. But for what it's worth...