mother earth blesses me,
I bless the food,
the food blesses me.
Relax and let all chaos around me be exactly what it is.
You are all so much more than you think you are (I am all so much more than I think I am).
A dentist office called "Gentle Dental" (Actually in Porter Square in Boston)
I feel ready, I feel here, existing in my heart space, feeling peace as I ride the T holding the yellow lilies I have acquired. Not just anyone carries flowers, and it feels that everywhere I go they bless the space as an extension of my heart. As I walked around Porter Square they caught the eye of a homeless woman who asked me for change, but then said, "Wow, those are beautiful orchids." I accepted the compliment for the flowers and strode toward the subway station. Feeling love, being love, I am a love generator.
Make myself my practice, share my practice as my life, live my life to serve.
Stephen Cope talk
-Flow: When do people feel happiest? When they feel they are bringing everything to a complex challenge.
-Dharma: Making endeavors spiritual practice. Law, duty, purpose. Gradual attunement for most compelling possibility, acting on purpose, the more you do this, the more opportunities and courage you receive.
-Dharma: No matter how idiosyncratic, eventually connects you with the universe. "Write about what only you love" What your idiosyncracy allows you to see, write about that and it will connect you to the world"--Thoreau This is how Thoreau inspired MLK and Ghandi We all have a responsibility to our particular gift/genius.
-Real fulfillment comes from surrender.
Part of the nature of Christ in our times has to do with contradiction s and the darkness inside the light (or the light inside the darkness). In the end this is about patriarchy breaking down, so in order for women to rise to our original power (mother of god) we have pain to push through following the symbolism of Christ's death. Salem Witch trials= the 'dark' side of the 'enlightenment'. Punishing women with real power for the sake of Christianity.
Making art as dharma, statement that validates art. The dharma fulfills itself, lends to what the world does on its own. All I have to do is be me, recklessly.
Being an artist is my freedom and purpose. I own my creative power.
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