Monday, August 25, 2008


So Jake thinks this is pretty funny, especially since I poked fun at him a little in my last blog, but I did something that I'm learning a lot of women do here: give myself something of an extreme haircut.  I don't know why Jake keeps coming up in this blog, but we work together and he's a really chatty, honest person.  He journals as well, so I guess he is familiar with this type of inner dialogue and discovery, you know, corny shit like that.  I actually kind of want to use him as an example to write about ego and anger, but maybe that will come up later.  

I had the day off yesterday and noticed that my hair was feeling really thick and the top layers were a little long for my face. 

There is a cardinal rule of haircutting to not thin out the very last layer (the hair growing closest to the nape of the neck), and this rule applies even for thick haired gals like myself.  A rule that I apparently forgot, because the first thing I did was break that rule.  

The cut looks fine.  However, I really thinned out that under layer of hair.  It is so thin that it looks silly to wear my hear down.  So if you see me soon and wonder why my hair is in cute little Susanne Sommers braids, now you know.  But I'll probably tell you my short saga anyway. 

I'm feeling okay about it now, but 36 hours ago until 7 hours ago, I was pretty upset.  My voluptuous, ravishing hair is one of my best attributes, and it has taken me THREE years to grow it out!  Now it's all scraggly and thin!  

What's more, how can I be so VAIN!?!??!

Just another thing to process that I didn't realize needed processing.  I mean, come on.  I'm not wearing makeup, I'm not blowdrying my hair, I don't even use hair product anymore--I just put lotion or coconut oil in it!!!   I didn't THINK I had vanity issues!  That (ego processing or any other type of processing) happens a lot here, because there are no distractions.  This allows for any personal issue that needs dealing with to come up and be reckoned with.  Guess I need so stop being so vain and wrapped up in my hair. 

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